March of 2009, I don't know what exact date, but I was browsing to Ms. Rowena Wendy Lei of and I saw her post about Nestlé Chuckie's Freebie and I had to register to get the freebie cause Zaza loves Chuckie, and it's for free! The freebie was only for the first 200 to register to their site and I really thank Ms. Rowena for sharing this cause I made it to the first 200. hehe. May 14, 2009, I received an email that my Chuckie Burstastic package was on the way. May 22, 2009 we received Zaza's Nestlé Chuckie Gift Pack and we were so excited to open it. We were the first 200 to try their new flavors then. hehe. I personally loved the choco burst. Both Zaza and I didn't like much the peanut nor the cookie flavor. Double choco was the best! Specially when it's cold! Here's his free gift pack. Inside were the 3 new flavors and some flyers and promo items. :) I suggest you visit Animetric's blog for more promos and freebies. :) tha...
Is all about the food you'll find here in Cagayan de Oro City